The embodiment of wispy firelight, the Lightcharger can be seen soaring across the skies of Targon as dusk turns to night. It bathes in the moon's most radiant glow, galloping nobly from east to west and protecting the world from the eternal darkness.
Crystal Lightcharger
Sugarcone Lightcharger
High Noon Lightcharger
Black Mist Lightcharger
Arcade Lightcharger
K/DA ALL OUT Lightcharger
K/DA POP/STARS Lightcharger
Hot Rod Lightcharger
Hextech Lightcharger
Pulsefire Lightcharger
Groovy Lightcharger
Bubblegum Racer Lightcharger
Stellacorn Lightcharger
Shan Hai Scrolls Lightcharger
Spirit Blossom Kanmei Lightcharger
Inkshadow Lightcharger
Spirit Blossom Akana Lightcharger
Immortal Journey Lightcharger